Name of Project Happy Health and Safe project
Period  5 years
Name of Partner Southern Africa SRHR Trust Malawi (SAT)
Goal of Project: 1. Increase capacity of young people on YFHS, SRH and Governance

2. Reduce HIV new cases among young people

3. Promote adherence on HIV/TB and reduce default rate

4. Increase number of young people accessing HIV and SRH services at community level

5. Reduce teen and child marriages

Strategies (Approaches) Advocacy

Interface meetings

Community Score card for change  to identify challenges and possible solutions

Community awareness and service provision (Outreach)

Data collection and documentation of best practices

Referral system

Location Lilongwe TA Tsabango
Results of the Project Reached out to 2921 young men and women with contraceptives

Lobby 10 primary Schools  and 3 health facilities to capture data using my health trucker

5321 young women and men accessed HIV and Family services through Community outreach

Established 1 teen club at Kang’oma Health Facility  with 32 members

Identified 17 GBV cased and refereed them to Victim Support unit

Reached out to 64 Local leaders with governance and human rights information

Increased school enrolments and pass rate at Kang’oma Primary school from 2652 to 3178

Trained 20 young peer educators of Modern Contraceptives, HIV  and SRHR

Trained 40 guardians on Positive living to support teens living with HIV

Reached 7,846 people with SRH information using radio programs and jingles

Reduced absenteeism rate  at Kang’oma primary from 7-10 a week to 3 – 5

Mobilized 287 girls and boys to return to school

Reached out to 3 support groups with HIV adherence messages  in total 156 women and men

Established 21 SRH youth clubs 9 in schools and 12 in communities


Impact of the Project Improve access to YFHS and SRH information

Increased turn up of young people to access HTS and family planning services

Increased collaboration between ministry of education and Health through Quartley review meetings

Increased knowledge of human rights among community members through interface meetings and community awareness

Reduced cased of teen pregnancies and child marriages in the area


How many people were reached 2921 young men and women with contraceptives

5321 young women and men of ages 10-24yrs with SRH information and services

64 local and religious leaders with Human rights information and health

Train 20 young people on peer education