Name of Project Supporting efforts of Partners (STEPS)
Partner USAID through Counterpart International
Period 2015- 2020
Goal of Project Improve health life for People Living with HIV and AIDS in the targeted communities through promotion of access to care and treatment, access to nutrition support, promotion of psychosocial support and improved community-health facility linkages by creating and maintaining referral systems.


Location Lilongwe
Reach  Out 33,000 Living with HIV and AIDS were reached with Services
Impact Reduced death among adolescent’s boys and girls.
Name of Project Narrow the Gap
Partner UNDP Malawi
Period November- December 2016
Goal of Partner Dissemination of information on SRH

Enhance leadership among young people

Location Ntcheu, Lilongwe & Mzimba
Reach out Reach out to young people and enhance leadership skills on young people
Impact Prevent HIV & reduce HIV cases