The Tigwirane Manja Counter Trafficking in Persons(C-TIP) project is a 2 year project that is being implemented with funding support from- United States Agency for International Development (USAID).  This is a human right based, collaborative and victim centered project approach to support Malawi’s efforts to combat human trafficking. The project focuses on four main pillars which included, increased awareness and preventions, improved prosecution of TIP cases, ensuring protection of trafficked survivors and improved on data management of Trafficking for better outcome.

This is a national focus project but with emphasis on the 9 districts which are considered to be the hotspots for human trafficking and these are; Phalombe, Machinga, Mangochi(Southern region),Mchinji, Kasungu, Dedza and Ntchisi(Central region) and Mzimba and Karonga (Northen region).

The implementation is through consortium approach consisting of the following institutions, Evangelical Association of Malawi, Salvation Army, Foundations for Children’s Rights and Rivers of Life with GLOHOMO as the prime recipient.

The project beneficiaries are Malawians living in rural and urban communities, victims and survivors of human trafficking, People living with albinism, youths, (regardless of age). The approach is to work with government line ministries such as ministry of Homeland security and Ministry of gender, Ministry of labor, Ministry of justice lawyers, journalists.

Prevention Pillar

GLOHOMO in partnership with the 4 Subgrantees, District TIP Technical Working Groups, MNAT members implements several activities at National, District and community level aimed at improving people’s knowledge on TIP.  Approximately over 8 million people have been reached with TIP messages. Implementation of the awareness activities has resulted in improved reporting and coordination at national, district and community level in fight against TIP, where key players at district and community level are able to coordinate and take the leading role in the fight against TIP. Activities under prevention have also led to decrease in TIP related cases as most people have learnt the ills of TIP.

Protection Pillar

GLOHOMO support and coordinate with the 3 shelter homes through the Ministries of Gender and Homeland security to provide support to survivors of human trafficking. Through the protection pillar GLOHOMO works with stakeholders to ensure that all survivors of TIP receive high quality individualized assistance, as one way of regaining control of their lives. The support offered include provision of shelter/accommodation, access to health care, psychosocial and linking them to service providers who are doing skills development.

Prosecution pillar

Through the prosecution pillar GLOHOMO collaborate with law enforcement in making sure that the TIP cases are prosecuted. The key interventions include interface meetings with judicial officials, supporting the Survivors of Trafficking in Persons to testify as witnesses during court proceedings.  The Survivors are usually supported with food, transport, and accommodation to appear in court.

Data Management Pillar

The Tigwirane Manja C-TIP Activity has developed the first National TIP database. The Malawian government did not have a National TIP database, and it depended on the SADC TIP database for data storage, and not all data was being entered into this system. The National TIP database offers the Malawian government control to generate TIP District or National reports and make decisions on the analyzed data.